Friday, May 28, 2010

These are the Days...

So nothing really inspiring has happened. Kira is now 9 months old and either cute as a button or a holy terror depending on the moment.

  • She crawls everywhere and gets into everything. Nothing is safe.
  • She now stands and sits back down all by herself.
  • Is absolutely fearless, will crawl off or stand on anything and trusts mom to catch her. (Which she does most of the time...)
  • Will walk when someone holds her hands or she is holding onto something.
  • Has 2 almost 4 new teeth.
  • Can feed herself. Green Pepper is a favorite snack.
  • Goes to bed without a fuss. Though she sleeps with her bum in the air all the time.
  • Talks all the time. Says Uh-Oh and Mom.
  • Waves Good-Bye.
  • Recognizes herself in the Mirror.
  • And Gives open mouth kisses and Bear hugs.


  1. She sure is getting big and is a cutie! I love the bum in the air. It cracks me up. Alyse is more of a pull her blanket up to her face while sucking her thumb sleeper. We need to get together sometime and play! (I do have a pool at the apartment. :) )

  2. That would be so much fun. Can't wait
