Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

I once again celebrated getting older, but it doesn't bother me. Because each year seems to get better and better with Kira. It started out really great! Kira and I just got ready for the day as usual and then went outside to play in our yard!

Best Birthday Gift!
(Can you believe I took this picture myself holding the Camera out in front of us! I am getting good!)Later that day, I had Pizza with my family and we played a round of cards! I lost! Hmm ever hear of letting the Birthday Girl Win! We then had Ice-cream for desert. Simple but a really nice day!

Most of my presents I had seen prior except my sisters gift, which was wrapped in a shawl, typical wrapping paper (at least it wasn't a towel)! Which was a Playstation 2! I can now play my guitar hero games again. Yeah!!! I also got two chairs and a table for my yard!
A beautiful vase from the Summer Fest! And new pants from Kira.

After our card game, I went home and played Guitar Hero with Cass and Kira!
Watching Cass Play!
Kira and I were doing a great job! Some how though we didn't get perfect though!
The End to a Great Day!

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